
What is a mini-symposium?

A mini-symposium (MS) is a session of 4 to 6 coordinated presentations on a single topic of current interest in the domain of surface science, in accordance with the scope of the conference.

The underlying idea of MS is to encourage the diversity of speakers and of the scientific topics through granting its organization to a specialist in the topic.

A MS organizer is responsible of the entire scientific programme of the MS: choice of both the topic and the speakers. The MS organizer also reviews the abstract submissions with the help of the ECOSS committee. Additionally, the MS organizer will chair the MS at the conference venue, will foster an environment for discussion during the MS, and is welcome to give a presentation during the MS. The MS organizer can be assisted with up to two co-organizers, preferably from different institutions and preferably from Widening countries.







The 38th European Conference on Surface Science


For general information about the event, including registration, please contact us at: 
(+351) 965 101 393 (call for the national mobile network)

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